These is a written document that specifies the procedures, benchmarks, and guidelines that will be followed in a BIM-enabled construction project. It serves as a road map for the entire BIM project, outlining the project’s goals, roles, deliverables, and deadlines. A BIM Execution Plan can make the BIM process more structured, effective, and efficient as it:

  • Establishes clear expectations for all stakeholders involved in the project
  • Ensures that everyone is following the same processes and standards
  • Improves communication and collaboration among all stakeholders
  • Minimizes misunderstandings and mistakes
  • Increases the accuracy of information and reduces errors
  • Facilitates the integration of data from multiple sources into a centralized model
  • Helps manage project scope, budget, and schedule
  • Improves decision-making by providing real-time access to project information.

These are essential documents that outline how a construction project will be executed using BIM. A defines the expectations and responsibilities of all stakeholders involved in the project, including the owner, architect, engineer, contractor, and subcontractors.

There are two primary forms of BIM Execution Plans, namely:

Pre-Contract BIM Execution Plans:

A Pre-Contract BIM Execution Plans is created during the project’s pre-contract phase, usually during the feasibility or design development phase. It is a comprehensive plan that details the requirements, procedures, and protocols for BIM collaboration and data management. The Pre-Contract BEP should provide sufficient information to enable the client to decide if they wish to use BIM on the project and should include the following:

  • The overall scope of the project and the intended uses of BIM.
  • The required level of development (LOD) for the BIM model.
  • The roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the project.
  • The BIM protocols and standards to be used, including data exchange formats, data structures, and data quality requirements.
  • The software and hardware requirements for all stakeholders.
  • The data management and file sharing procedures.
  • The BIM project workflow, including project milestones and delivery dates.
  • The requirements for BIM training and support.

Post-Contract BIM Execution Plan:

The Post-Contract BIM Execution Plan is created after the contract has been signed and is usually a more detailed version of the Pre-Contract BEP. It is a living document that is continually updated throughout the project as the BIM requirements and procedures evolve. The Post-Contract BEP should provide sufficient information to enable the project team to work together effectively and should include the following:

  • An updated scope of work and any changes to the intended uses of BIM.
  • The detailed BIM modelling requirements, including the level of development (LOD) for each element of the model.
  • An updated roles and responsibilities matrix, including any changes to the parties involved in the project.
  • The detailed BIM protocols and standards to be used, including any updates or changes to the data exchange formats, data structures, and data quality requirements.
  • The updated software and hardware requirements for all stakeholders.
  • The updated data management and file sharing procedures.
  • The detailed BIM project workflow, including any changes to project milestones and delivery dates.
  • An updated BIM training and support plan, including any additional training needs or support requirements.

The Post-Contract BEP is a critical document that ensures that all parties involved in the project are working together effectively and efficiently.  It also provides a framework for effective communication and collaboration, helping to avoid misunderstandings and delays that can arise when working with complex BIM models.

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